Yes, this weekend is Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end to summer. But have no fear! That does not mean the outdoor fun is over! Quite the contrary, it just means that the festivals are shifting to more of a fall theme...
Here's a small selection of suburban fests. Got more? Post them in the comments or shoot me an e-mail at suburbanawesome [at]
Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 5-7)
Buffalo Grove Days
50 Raupp Blvd., Buffalo Grove
Long Grove Irish Days
Downtown Long Grove
Naperville's Last Fling
Riverwalk, Naperville
Sept. 6-7
Folk Music & Storytelling Festival
Island Park in Geneva
$15 per day for adults, $10 for teens and elders, free for 12 and younger
Sept. 11-13
Festival of the Vine
Downtown Geneva
Free; some samplings cost money
Itasca Oktoberfest
Downtown Itasca
Sept. 13
Scandinavian Day Festival
Vasa Park, Route 31, South Elgin
Traditional food, crafts, games, gifts and entertainment.
$10 adults. Children 12 and younger admitted free. Free parking. Rain or shine.
Sept. 18-19
Naperville Wine Festival
523 S. Webster St., Naperville
$20 in advance, $25 at the door for adults, $10 in advance, $15 at the door Designated Driver; under 21 admitted free when accompanied by an adult
Sept. 25-27
Fall Fest Des Plaines
Lake Park, Des Plaines
Itasca Art & Wine Festival
Downtown Itasca
Oct. 2-4
Long Grove Apple Festival
Downtown Long Grove
Oct. 9-11
St. Charles Scarecrow Festival
Lincoln Park, Main and Fourth streets, St. Charles
Oct. 16-18
Long Grove OktoberFest
Downtown Long Grove